Sunday, May 29, 2011

Broken hearts and burning books

So my journey with NLP has been strange, but one that I believe was always meant to occur. I was originally given a book on the subject by an ex girlfriend whom I loved dearly. At the time I didn’t read it and placed it on the bookshelf to gather dust. When the relationship ended she broke my heart - I burnt the book as well as everything else that reminded me of our time together and I began to spiral into a state of depression.

Crushed by the events that occurred I avoided my friends and family to morn what no longer was. I eventually became fed up with constantly being sad and I decided to seek help. I tried a number of things - too many to name. Eventually I ended up in a session with an NLP Practitioner. Not having read the book I had no idea what to expect. She asked me to explain to her why I was there and what I hoped to achieve from our session together. She listened patiently, nodding her head, making sympathetic noises at the appropriate times. She then delivered the following line:

‘You know Dan, thats not completely true is it?’

Confused I asked her what she meant. To which she repeated the same statement / question again.

WHAT? I was starting to lose my patience with this woman and questioned why I was paying her in excess of a hundred dollars for her to make such stupid remarks. After all I was the one in the relationship and I was there when it ended - if anyone new the truth it was me.

She then went on to make an even more confusing statement.

‘Dan there is no such thing as the truth - nothing in this world is true’.

And you know what...she was right - at the time I didn’t understand it - partly because she may not have been able to articulated it in a way that I as a lay person could understand or maybe it was because I was  hurt and blinded by my injured ego. After further study and reflection I now have a grasp on what she was trying to convey. In my next blog I will explain the point that she was trying to make in more depth but for the time being the short version is this...the truth for me really was different then the truth for my ex girlfriend - we were two people who had grown up and been exposed to different life experiences  - due to these different experiences we filtered our sense of reality differently and perceived the situation in a different way - creating our own individual ‘truths’. For some this may be hard to take or seem a little murky - trust me I know where you are coming from but bare with me and things will soon become much clearer.

In my next post I will take you a little further down the rabbit hole where we will discover....There is no spoon!

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Until we meet again.


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